A reoccuring theme in Yann her paintings is the human body and its experiences. Questions about gender, femininity and the body are all subtly layed out on the canvas, as she contorts the human figures displayed. Rearranging the limbs, blowing them out of proportion, playing with the elements of the body, these are all manners to adress the insecurities and uncertainties felt by her or others around her, often in an exaggerated or humorous way.

In an ongoing series, "Eros", Yann paints disfigured bodies based off of collages she makes. These collages are made from cut outs of pornographic magazines and informative books about sex. By cutting up the images and placing them together in a non-conformal way, she is trying to reinforce the idea that the current view about intimacy and sex is misconstrued, mostly because of the constant stream of sexual images we receive. Pornography has seeped mindlessly into everyday society, through (social) media and advertisements. By rethinking the images, painting them and shaping a different, more concealed reality on the canvas, she is trying to regain a new form of intimacy, different from the directness of the original pictures.